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Old 11-29-2006, 09:08 PM   #107
Rupert Atkinson
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This could be a new thread :)

A real challenge! I was wondering when it would happen. If I were living nearby Mike I would have been to check him out ages ago. I have always been keen to visit those with skill. Sometimes I have been satisfied and have learned a lot, often, it has been a total waste of my time. Mike, if I were near you I'd already be there, if you were good I'd be with you, if not I'd have long since left. You certainly have a lot to say so I'd love to test you - in a friendly kind of way - because I really want to learn. So, if anyone is near Mike, go and test him out and report the results!!! Just keep it friendly ...

Mike Sigman wrote:
Cady, I can tell from the deeds you and Dan post that you're probably the greatest, etc., but 2 points:
(1.) I said you couldn't control my body, as you claimed, but maybe that was just a semantic error which you're too shy to admit to.
(2.) I'll be happy to bet you any amount of money you want that you can't "tap into my mechanics" because I doubt you have the skill or experience to do it. You name the amount; make it light on yourself.
I think Aikidoists would benefit greatly from getting a handle on the mechanics, but the full-blown mechanics are extensive and you can't get to the full-blown mechanics if you're limited by rudimentary body skills. It's part of the great debate between the "internal" and "external" proponents... nothing new. But the point I'd make is that I really don't think Aikidoists are going to be served by people who only hint at the basic skills through boasts of what they can do. Granted, I think Dan is stepping up a little more to the plate than he was before, but there's always room to improve and to help everyone else.
Mike Sigman

Really... no joke. If you think you can touch me, grab me, etc., and can control me, it would be interesting to see. I'm willing to bet you anything you want to bet that you can't do it.
In fact, I'll bet that if that's sort of thing was all I wanted to focus on, I could teach most people to defeat your attempts easily in a weekend. However, there's more to this stuff and to Aikido particularly than just a few jin tricks. Knowing how to do these things is kewl and getting some aspects of internal strengths is necessary to do Aikido... but Aikido is more than just the common "secret strength". Aikido and many other Asian arts, without internal strength, is not correct... I completely agree; Internal strength without knowing Aikido, though, is not enough either. Same with Daito Ryu, Okinawan Karate, Bagua, Shaolin Long Fist, Taiji, and many other arts. Just playing "gotcha" with some basic knowledge of jin mechanics is a little on the childish side because it's an edge that can evaporate over a weekend.
Mike Sigman

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