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Old 03-09-2007, 03:21 PM   #16
Fred Little
Dojo: NJIT Budokai
Location: State Line NJ/NY
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 641
Re: Aikido as External Art -or- Where's the Chewy Center?

In writing and in direct transmission.
Its where they go it.
And where he got it.

That doesn't identify a specific mode of transmission of internal skills. If Takeda had the magic "it," I can just as easily suppose that the really observant and brilliant students who hung with him the longest picked up the essence by the external method Christian references in his original post. The question is whether there is a discrete method of training "internal skills" unique to DRAJJ. You have provided no evidence of such a method.

And its rather obvious unless you think they made it up by themselves.

Or unless I've met some real geniuses who really are incredibly spongelike in their ability to absorb things they are interested in and utterly unique in the presentation and development of those things.

The real questions is the same as in Aikido; How come few got it or few were taught it?

Agreed And that is the question I'm asking you to answer wrt to DRAJJ..

Maybe Takeda was precisely the same kind of sorry scheming moneygrubbing withholding scoundrel you seem to assert all senior aikidoka are.
That's both snide, smacking of an agenda and innacurate to boot.
And if you're going to tell me I'm using the disgusting language -you-just used here and the others folks -in- aikido have ascribed to to cite where_____________________________?

That is merely making explicit in words what is implicit in your habitual tone.

But be explicit. What you call "snide" I call a reverse thought experiment. And damn if it didn't hit one of your buttons, IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT IT WAS POSED AS A HYPOTHETICAL AND NOT AS AN ASSERTION OF FACT.

What's my agenda?

What is the nature of the inaccuracy?

From my side, my answer is simple: my agenda is to make it clear that connotation is as important as denotation. Echoes, resonances, and implicit suggestions often carry more emotional weight than explicit statements. The inaccuracy of hyperbole, or making explicit what has remained implicit is the essentially honest "inaccuracy" of caricature.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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