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Old 11-17-2003, 09:02 AM   #67
Nafis Zahir
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Dojo: Bucks County Aikido
Location: Pennsylvania
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 425
Hey Justin! That's exactly my point and why I started this thread! Not to knock any of the good points people have made, but let everyone look at Justin's situation. He took a test. His Sensei, whom I'm sure is qualified and authorized, basically saw that his technique, his understanding of what his Sensei wanted to see, and his "aikido", warranted Justin the level of nidan. But it can't be authentic if he doesn't pay his fee? Does rank really matter I ask again? If he doesn't pay the fee, does that diminish the level he attained? No! And as he stated, even if he pays the fee, if he goes to train somewhere else, they may honor his nidan per say, but still make him test for nidan in the new style/organization. If no one ever gives Justin a piece of paper with nidan on it, so what. If I trained with him at a seminar, I could tell by his technique and his attitude that he was at a level of shodan or above. Now what difference would it really make if a ni or san or yon was before his dan title? If you pay the money Justin, I'll know it's strictly because of the politics and you want to be hassle free in the future. If you don't, I respect that and say good for you!

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