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Old 09-11-2004, 09:43 AM   #3
John Boswell
John Boswell's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido of Midland
Location: Midland, Texas
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 597
Re: Home dojo-what is your opinion?

Depends: where in the home is this training taking place?

AT your residential site is okay so long as the actual residence is TOTALLY sepereated from the "dojo" atmosphere. A garage, whether it is attached or not, in the backyard, a living space that has a door leading to the outside are all okay.

Also, how does your spouse feel about this idea? That has a GREAT deal to do with whether this happens or not.

Next: Is the instructor single or not? If single, you gotta think that neighbors and perhaps others are going to wonder what, if any, hanky-panky is going on. Or worse... what if you get some sicko student who seemed nice to begin with and turned all 'Glenn Close' on ya. (what was that movie again? scary stuff) And being a female instructor would also have a lot to do with who could/would train with 'me.' I'm not chauvanist... can't even spell it. But, there is always someone bigger, stronger, faster, sicker... who could try something. Not that I doubt your ability to take care of yourself and others, but... /shrug. Just something to think about.

Now then, I often dream of having a lot of land where I can have a nice residence, big back yard, path leading into the distance and in a grove of trees is a hidden dojo big enough for about 10 people to practice comfortably. You know, all traditional with sliding doors and stuff. Maybe one day I can do that, but I wouldn't attempt anything but that myself personally.

That's my 2 cents. Good luck, Rachel. I've never seen anyone with as much drive as you do to teach aikido! That's really admirable and humbling.

Last edited by John Boswell : 09-11-2004 at 09:49 AM.

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