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Old 09-10-2001, 07:18 AM   #4
ian's Avatar
Dojo: University of Ulster, Coleriane
Location: Northern Ireland
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 1,654
Whenever something gets stolen it makes me consider where 'things' actually come from. i.e. you work hard to produce money and buy your jeep etc. But this is only possible because people have worked hard to produce the design and construct the jeep at a price we can afford (and possibly being 'underpaid'). In fact, the economic system has only come about through peoples efforts and through a system of laws and understanding, enabling us to own anything. Much of this comes down to the fact that resources (eg. land) were originally owned through someone in the past either having killed someone and taking it, or through just getting there first and saying 'this is mine', or through stealing. Therefore no-one really has a 'right' to ownership outside our own legal system.

In the animal kingdom it seems much fairer because if an animal (in general) requires resources from another animal it exerts energy and risks potential retribution in stealing it from another animal. This also means that any animal which has more than it can look after itself will be a target for other animals. However the legal system for humans operates to maintain a large division between those with and without resources through inheritance (or wealth which has been produced by others, or just taken) and through the police which ensure that those with more resources than they need can keep them.

I'm not saying that I encourage crime, nor that I'm not bothered when people steal things from me - I'm usually happier to have the convenience of a technologically advanced society. However it illustates that none of us really 'own' anything.

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