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Old 03-10-2012, 06:36 PM   #20
Dojo: Suenaka-Ha Aikido of Bloomington
Location: Bloomington, Indiana
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 170
Re: Aikido maneuver manual

Jackie Adams wrote: View Post
A surprise to me no one yet has mentioned Budo Training in Aikido by the founder? I guess, I am the first!
I just ordered that from Amazon, and should be getting it Tuesday. Our schools have a list of recommended reading, so I'm picking up a few books a month off of the list. My problem with the books is that I am not experienced enough to understand some of what they are saying. I've read Aikido and the Harmony of Nature a few times, and I'm still not *getting* several chapters of it. So, I think the books are good to have when you are alone, but regular practice in a dojo is more useful. Plus having a teacher that is patient enough to explain parts of those books to you is also a nice thing to be able to rely on.

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