Thread: Aikijujutsu
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Old 12-09-2013, 07:54 PM   #39
Cady Goldfield
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,035
Re: Aikijujutsu

Szczepan Janczuk wrote: View Post
I agree I should have chose different term. With this video I only wanted to illustrate the big difference in the way how attack is provided. In the videos Cady provided we can see ridiculously sloppy attacks where attacker behave as a well cooked noodle. Quite a nonsense from martial point of view.
The term 'martial application' should not be used for this kind of 'training'.
Yeah, maybe I should have said something like, "here's a guy using aiki and internals, using some jujutsu from an aikijujutsu system as the vehicle. The real-life applications are martial, but here the teacher is just giving a lesson to a new student so he'll get an overview of the system."

And, again...

1. These clips are of a lesson for a first-day, brand-new student. Everything is being done in slow motion, only to demonstrate and overview.
2. I called them "martial applications" because the manner in which aiki and technique are being applied is martial in nature, meaning it's not being used as dance steps, or as qigong exercises for health.
3. What interests me about these clips is not the jujutsu, some of which is pretty convoluted and impractical, is the aiki and internal power the teacher is using. In fact, a lot of stuff in the various aikijujutsu curriculums are... pretty convoluted and impractical, perhaps because the practitioners were slavishly imitating the stuff they saw Takeda Sokaku do. Takeda could likely pull off some pretty implausible stuff because he had aiki. People maybe mistook the techniques for the aiki, and thought that the crazy setups, locks, pins, etc. were what they should be doing.
4. I really don't have a problem with what the guy in the clips is doing, because I have felt that kind of aiki and power and know what the payback on even a "cooked noodle" attack feels like and does to your body. I frankly would not want to launch a full-force attack on someone who can use your punches' force against you instantaneously on contact.
5. I don't expect you to buy any of this, and that's okay too. Maybe someday you'll bite the bullet and finally go experience one of the legitimate aiki/internal arts people yourself, and then will be able to opine with some empirical data to back up your opinion in that area.

If he were meeting a full-bore attack from a competent fighter, the impact of an untrained body meeting an "aiki body"

Last edited by Cady Goldfield : 12-09-2013 at 07:56 PM.
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