Thread: being defeated
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Old 03-08-2003, 01:45 PM   #19
Matt Stevenson
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 6
Various Rumours

So here's some things I heard about 9th hand, so take this for what it's worth. I have no personal experience to share, sorry. I can substantiate none of what I am about to share and cannot vow for any truth which might happen to occur in the following stories. Just passing on some aiki uwasa.

I heard actor Steven Segal was in a bar fight not too long ago with some big polynesian. Segal kept trying to do kotegaeshi with no success. Eventually he got clobbered. The moral? If a technique for whatever reason does not work with someone, for heaven sakes don't keep trying to do it! Even if they have never seen aikido before, they can get the idea of what you're trying to do to their wrist pretty fast.

Second, I heard a fairly prominent aikido instructor from Japan was giving a demonstration in America. A skeptical wrestler challenged him and the instructor agreed. The wrestler floored the instructor with a basic take down. How did the instructor respond? Not by discrediting a clash of fundamentals, but rather by being very impressed and began training in ground techniques to compliment his aikido. Humility.

Lastly, perhaps the most classic example of aikido vs. some other style would be Tohei Sensei taking on an American wrestler type on the 1950's film "Rendevous with Adventure". Though Tohei Sensei doesn't "lose", you may be interested to see the match. A rumour witin a rumour is that the American had heard before hand from some Judoka that you should never initiate the attack with an aikidoka. That explains the reluctance on his part.

Ja, hoped this helped more than it hurt if I'm unwittingly spreading horrible falsehoods. I guess I justify myself in the idea that the principles shared is what counts. Right?
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