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Old 12-28-2000, 09:41 AM   #22
Location: Los Angeles
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 59
As long as you think of it in that context, then you will have difficulty seeing what
the real issue is. Think about your statement for a moment. Note the the issue was
all about you. You seem that you don't want to be treated like an 8 year old. Yet
no one mentioned that. Does keeping people accountable seem juvenile or
belittling to you? You may see this as an issue of control, but it is not. It is an
issue to help you grow. Sometimes it is hard to see a spot on our own nose. We
need one another to tell us of these issues we each have. No one is exempt. Do
you see it as a challenge to your ego? ( I am not trying to attack you here, just
expressing a view)
Let us take this scenario:
1. Student shows up to class 15 minutes late twice a week or more.
2. Sensei asks student to please notice the time.
3. Student says "sorry" or "yes, Sensei I will." but still is habitually late.
4. So the issue of disrupting the class is a real one, but marginal in the long run, as
the root issue is not about them so much as the student with the problem. What is
going on in that student's life that he/she is late all the time? It is a sure bet that
such an issue is presenting itself in other aspects of their life.
5. It would be the easy path to let the student "off the hook" and not bother with
his issue. The hard path of compassion is to keep the student accountable for
his/her actions in the hope that the will look at the issue internally, and as you may
know, the first step in growth, is to realize where we are in need of it.
Perhaps you feel as if no one has the right to keep you accountable. If so, that
means that you are perfect and not in need of growth, yes? I think it would be
safe to assume that that statement is false for each and every one of us.
The reality of your statement , (please muse on it for your own benefit) is one of
your ego.
Learn from everyone.
Never assume you have mastered anything.
Realize that in truth, the power from one's ego is your worst enemy.
and lastly, take notes from any 8 year old you meet. You may find their
innocence and willingness to grow quite amazing, refreshing and nourishing
In friendship,

-When two blades cross points,
There's no need to withdraw.
The master swordsman
Is like the lotus blooming in the fire.
Such a person has inside of them
A heaven soaring spirit.
- Tozan Ryokan
4th verse on the 5 ranks
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