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Old 03-23-2001, 08:49 AM   #10
Steve Speicher
Dojo: Aikido of Central Ohio
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 42
Well, I'll address this from a third person perspective.

If the time ever comes where I need protection (war or escalating civil violence) I know for sure I'd rather have as a protector someone who had pushed themselves in their training, rather than someone who was always comfortable.

Also, to those that view happiness as a goal... why? Happiness is only valid in relation to sorrow. Comfort to discomfort. Desire to suffering. It doesn't take perverted masochism to take your training to more arduous levels. It takes spirit. And how can that constitute abuse on the sensei's part??? A student if free to leave at any time. If you don't like the training, then get up and leave the dojo! Problem solved. If you want the training, then stay. A swords strength is dependent upon its tempering, too cool and it won't take proper form, too hot and the metal will break.

I'm sure I mistated something in this post, and to be honest I am not 'hardcore' in my training... yet. But keep an open mind about rigorous training, it saddens me that people quickly classify anything uncomfortable as abuse and perverted masochism. Don't be so weak!

Steve Speicher
May I ask what is meant by the strong, moving power (hao jan chih chi)? "It
is difficult to describe," Mencius replied. -- Mencius IIA2

403-256 BCE
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