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Old 07-12-2000, 02:15 AM   #15
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Join Date: Jul 2000
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Unhappy Aikido and the Christian

Hi all,

it is interesting to read your posts on this topic. I am an Aikido practitioner myself and a Christian. Sadly, there is a paranoia by some Christians that Martial Arts are demonic, and this may not necessary be true. I think one needs to discern to accept what is good and true, and what is beneficial.

Though, I think it is wise to think properly of the practice of Ki. In certain aspects of the Martial Arts, the Ki is seen to be some kind of force that can be taped into to perform amazing things, which is beyond the physical realm of matter. This I would caution, that it is spiritual, and not from God. I understand that by enhancing one's mind and body through in the discipline of co-ordination, one maximises the potential of the activities of man which many lack of. But with Ki that performs extra-ordinary things, it is beyond what I have just acknowledged, and this is dangerous.

The ethics and the moral values that Aikido philosophy upholds is good one, and to be embraced. But one aspects of Ki that some Aikido/Martial Art schools practice should be seen as cautious. When Ki is seen as an exercise of the proper and efficient co-ordination of our mind, and body, with calmness and clarity, there is nothing wrong with this. Breathing exercise to the tanden helps to enhance and maximise strength, and calmness. It helps to regulate the system of the body well. But the practice of meditation of emptying one's mind, and to achieve oneness, to draw more into the Ki, is dangerous. Our mind are created to meditate on the good things, and foremost on the Creator, Yahweh. To deliberately empty the mind through practices is to invite unwholesome spirit into the person. I am a Chinese myself and I grew up in my own culture, and I understand this thing. Other ways of having demonic spirit is through ritualistic practices, eg. done by Chinese mediums, fortune tellers etc.

I differ with you Keith, that Ki, is not the same with the Holy Spirit. Pneuma is used in different ways in scripture, but it is always through the working of God or His Spirit. It is used in His creation of the world, and as you outlined correctly, as breath, breathing life into Adam. It is His Spirit that creates and sustains life.

Ki's definition is abstract, and seen as a kind of universal force and something that cannot be seen. It is something that sustains life, something that can be taped into, and something that can be enhanced or directed. It is also seen as a kind of spiritual energy, or force. This is the definition of the Chinese or Eastern philosophy. It is hard to define. While there seemed to be a similiarity with the concept of pneuma in scripture, they are not the same.

The spirit of Ki, or the thinking behind it never acknowledge Christ, nor does it point to the God Yahweh. It is seen as a kind of impersonal force. Christ said that "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father accept through me" (John 14:6) In the same chapter, Jesus said of the role of the Holy Spirit,

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever--
the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for
he lives with you and will be in you."(John 14:16-17)

The Holy Spirit is to lead the sinner into the truth, that is knowing Christ, and only in Him that one is saved. The Holy Spirit is a person, part of the Triune God, and He is not an impersonal force.

I like practicing Aikido very much, and I think it is something very good. But not all aspects of Aikido's philosphy can be accepted without discernment.

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