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Old 07-14-2003, 08:06 AM   #9
Carl Simard
Location: Quebec City
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 96
Don't forget that although aikido is a martial art, it's a "do", a way or a path in the spiritual or philosophical sense. It's not a "jutsu", or "combat technique".

When you train in a "do", you try to achieve some mental or spiritual state (an "attitude")through your physical training. The physical technique isn't the end of it, but just a way to get to this mental state...

Not sure if the comparison may rightly apply, but in the army, officers and front line soldiers don't get the same training. The goal of an officer isn't to be the best shooter in the regiment. And the goal of the elite shooter isn't to think of strategy or tactiques...

A parralel may also be drawn with the samurai of the old Japan. To be a samurai, you needed to be much more than just a good katana wielder. You also had to have some philosophical and spiritual virtues (the 7 valors...). And these virtues were even more important than the fighting technique because you just don't put a katana in the hands of a guy you don't trust or who can put you in trouble because its lack of judgement...

Hope this make the difference between the "do" and "jutsu" a bit clearer...

So, if your goal is combat effectiveness, your probably better to train in something where combat effectiveness is the first goal...
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