Thread: Longevity
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Old 04-19-2003, 09:32 PM   #5
Veers's Avatar
Dojo: Shinkikan Aikikai Aikido of Corpus Christi
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 169
I never new any average person that studied aikido
Hahahaha, good one, Erik...

Yes, if you watch a class it looks like you get banged up...but, hey, no pain, no gain. Actually, though, as your rolls get better, the pain decreases. Worst I've had was diziness and headaches from doing too many rolls at once and landing too hard, sending a jolt to my head.

As for the clotheslining, wrist locks, etc., you're trained to take the hits, so after a few times, you start learning how to roll with the "punches."

The body can't take getting banged around for a long time, but the thing is, you won't get banged up a lot once you get used to things.

Of course, this is from one who can't roll worth a flip (painful pun) except a left hand-led forward roll...'tis mere speculation and research.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
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