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Old 04-30-2002, 08:26 PM   #6
thomasgroendal's Avatar
Dojo: Hoshu Portland Dojo
Location: Portland, OR
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 53
I just posted this on the aikido journal site, but when it comes to Seagal my feelings are the following.
"Just like to say that after watching Path beyond thought, and several mediocre and bad, but popular films. I know not enough about SS sensei to properly post anything.
However the fact remains that seagal's violent and masculine films often remain like acatalyst for our own puritanic impulses and self-doubts about the effectiveness of aikido.
That is why he is either praised as being the next O-sensei/great white hope, that chewed all the nails in Osaka, or some charletain who just wanted to say hi-mom on tv and was lucky enough to make it big.
I think he deserves a more balanced approach when spoken of as a very accomplished teacher of aikido, and be he some kind of black sheep or not, ONE OF THE MAJOR REASONS that aikido is what it is today.
How many people would know what aikido was if they hadn't seen a seagal film. How many times have you felt the need to prove aikido wasn't girly, and said that it's what seagal does (with the assistance of a few hundred sheets of strategically placed glass!)
Sure aikido is usually lots quieter, nicer, and less glorific than your average above the law (or illegal) bar fight scene, but why do we have to freak about it. (i.e. the hands down most popular topic on bulletin boards, and the most likely to bring out raging speculation and personal comments.)
Watch the video, if it is available, if not imagine your were talking about some other guy/gal and see if your comment isn't an inflammatory response to our own insecurities.
My piece of cheese
Tom Groendal
(p.s. I am also a big gumpy white guy teaching in Japan. Haven't caused any onlooker car accidents yet.)"
This was after hearing several fairly inflammatory comments about Seagal this and Seagal that.
I think he is an excellent litmus test. You can usually tell the confidence level, and the goal of somebodies aikido by looking at how violently they respond to a seagal fight scene. In anycase, I recommend the Path Beyond Thought video. It gives some perspective to his aikido and aikido around the world, even if it does often come off as an ego massage.
So, how do you all feel when the big guy is thrown out there?

Life is choice.
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