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Old 12-06-2017, 07:01 AM   #72
earnest aikidoka
Location: singapore
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 118
Re: What do you think about the combat orientated styles?

Edward Matthews wrote: View Post
Hi Aikiweb,

So apart from reading a lot about Yoshinkan, I also enjoy researching the Eastern European style of "real aikido", however there isn't a heap of information out there about it. My favourite combat style of Aikido to research is Lenny Sly Sensei of Tenshin Aikido, he has a YouTube channel called something like "the rogue warriors". He is extremely pragmatic and street orientated. He is not afraid to show street defence applications of aikido and I really enjoy and appreciate his work.

Some argue that Aikido is a spiritual art but it also truly is an effective martial art, as some people demonstrate. I think there is nothing wrong with focusing on the combat element of aikido (among other elements) because self defence and freedom from sudden unwelcome violence is a human right. Sometimes one can't avoid a fight, sometimes one can be attacked in the street - aikido is perfect for these situations. I believe more so than other martial arts.

What are your thoughts about the combat orientated styles of aikido out there? (or one could argue, just different interpretations of classic Aikido)
Aikido is made for combat, O'sensei fought, his disciple's fought and in the present day, there are Aikidoka who have managed to apply their techniques in violent situations; either technically, or mentally. Aikido is meant for fighting, and yes, as Aikidoka, we should look towards developing our aikido to the point where one could, confidently, say; 'If a knife was presented to my throat, I can deal with it.'

However, if someone needs to paste 'real', 'combative', or any such word before 'Aikido.' It is likely that that person does not fully understand Aikido. After all, Aikido itself is already real, practical, and effectively a complete bujutsu.

Stanley Pranin sensei, John Hay sensei, Senshione Aikido youtube channel. These are better sources to developing the practical aspects of aikido than Lenny Sly sensei or Real Aikido.
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