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Old 05-09-2008, 07:23 AM   #12
Mike Sigman
Location: Durango, CO
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 4,123
Re: Can you "see" ki?

Laura Donohue wrote: View Post
For a while know, I have thought that I could see auras, not in the colored sense that certain clairvoyant individuals claim, and not exactly with my eyes, but just knew they were there.

Now in the dojo, I seem to see tracers of our body movements, and projections of body language, and am wondering if this is just a trick of my eyes wanting to see stuff that my Sensei says is there. I thirst for all of this so badly, that I want to be careful that I don't get carried away to fantasy land.

I shared these thoughts to a trusted friend, and he said he could see ki too, and that the simple white walls of our dojo enhanced that, as we didn't have color to distract our eyes. If color and lights distract us all the time, especially if our attention is focused on other matters, does that mean that its still there the whole time, and that our minds "tune it out"? If we "tune it out", how can we actively "tune in"?

If anyone has experience or thoughts on these matters, I would love your input...
To be fair, "auras" are considered to be the "ki". It works sorta like this:

The breathing, stretching, and the jin/kokyu are all related to the fascia networks of the body. Breathing (when done correctly) stretches and contracts those structures all over the body, puts tensions and pressures on them, etc. (same idea as in yoga, which is part of the same 'body-technology'). The formation of jin/kokyu paths is not possible in the fully-developed sense without the coordination and development of the fascia structures (which would also be why just doing "postures" in yoga is to miss out on a crucial part of yoga, just as doing external 'techniques' in Aikido would be to miss out on the whole idea of "ki" in "Aikido"). As these structures develop, a person's electromagnetic field structure also develops, hence the idea that you "strengthen your ki/qi" with these mind-directed aspects of movement and power. And incidentally, as these fascia structures develop, so does the resistance to blows, the difficulty in piercing/lacerating the skin, etc. (think how many Asian religions/quasi-religions demonstrate hooks in skin pulling loads, etc.).

The "emitted ki/qi" is a deliberate variation of the electro-magnetic field effect, so the point is that all of these things are tied together under the umbrella term "ki". Some people (not all) are supposed to be able to see or perceive the electromagnetic "aura" around people, to varying degrees. Personally, I don't know much about that other than the fact that it's considered a valid phenomenon by a lot of Asians, so I'm just reporting what I've heard and discussed over the years.

There's a book on the western scientific perspective that is pretty good about this phenomenon:

"Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis" by James L. Oschman


Mike Sigman

Last edited by Mike Sigman : 05-09-2008 at 07:25 AM.
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