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Old 08-09-2013, 11:04 PM   #60
Krystal Locke
Location: Phoenix, Oregon
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 407
Re: Ki energy defined

I think I love you.

Hilary Heinmets wrote: View Post
Been sitting on the sidelines for most of this, but at this point I feel the following needs to be said. You can make up all the philosophy/mythology/mental models you want; you don't get to make up the physics you want. This thread now has elements that appear to the lay person, knowledgeable relative to physics. They do not represent the depth or nuance of the actual subject, they are not described in the language of physics (mathematics); they are a layperson's simplification and some statements are downright wrong.

Quantum is the new black; people who have no business using that word, are in fact using it to describe everything from conscienceless to face cream. A doctorate in the right branches of physics allows you to partake in this discussion; years of post doctoral research allows you to propose additions, modifications or other alterations to the science. All of those require replication and peer review to begin to be taken seriously. All else is mental masturbation pulled directly out of one's fundament.

Mental models that describe certain physical sensations and mindsets, that allow people to train and eventually acquire the complex mechanical reality that is expert/master level martial arts, does not require rewriting the fundamental processes that govern the universe. We are not that powerful we are not that important. That we exist at all in our everyday complexity is amazing and requires no magic, neither does randori.