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Old 03-27-2008, 03:11 PM   #52
Kevin Leavitt
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Re: Woman's Knife vs. Multiple Attack

Joseph wrote:

Mr Levitt,

Ah...a point of contention. The standard belief is that "ego" is a bad thing. Perhaps, ego can be seen as a good

Of course, I have difficulty with the "young masters" who have no skill to back of their egos. The metric should be result rather than false talk.

Yes, I do think my generation screwed up badly. We eliminated words of respect like "thank you, your welcome, and yes sir and no mai'm. These words taught the hierarchy of respect.

Thank you for your comments.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola
I would not say it is a point of contention as much as it is a different view on the same subject.

I don't think I said anything about ego being good or bad...ego simply is what it is..ego. It is when you make decisions or take actions based simply on your own perception without considering the impact that makes a decision an ego centric decision.

That impact may be good or it may be that your perception may lead to a result that is acceptable to what is generally judged as having good merit by those that it impacts.

That is why I think it is important to seek to understand before being undersood..or considering other perspectives, educating ourselves and attempting to be exposed to new things.

I think this is what enlightment is about..but that is a different conversation.

As far as "young masters" having no skill to back up there egos...not sure really what that means other than maybe someone is holding themselves out to be something that they are not? AKA a "poser".

All I can say is "be true to thine self".

Sure we run into those guys. I certainly have to work hard to make sure that I don't enter that category, I think it is easy to fall prey to at some level for all of us.

Being that...I have enough to do to worry about myself rather than dealing with Posers...they have their own issues...why do I need to concern myself with them?

I understand where you are coming from with the whole respect issue. I am an officer in the military and have been in it for about 24 years all they way up through the I live in a very hierarchial world.

However, I also have kids, I expect them to be polite, not that...COMPASSIONATE. but I think we are past the superficial courtesies of Yes sir, no m'am, at least for my family. A simple yes, with a look in the eye conveys enough meaning. Yet, listening deeply to what the other person is saying is even more important than "yes sir". (You can say that and mean FU by the way).

Also simple courtesy is taking the time to make sure you spell someone's name properly (no big deal though, couldn't resist).

People around me say "Yes Sir'. Ask "How was your day". "did you have a good weekend?"

How many of them (US, me included), take the time to pause, listening deeply, and really mean it?

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