Thread: Empathy...
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Old 04-13-2005, 10:32 AM   #4
John Boswell
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Location: Midland, Texas
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 597
Re: Empathy...

Hey Rob,

I think Lynn is on to something when he brings up Musubi : Connection. Empathy is very real. I never read books on it or studied it beyond my own realization of it.

It is important to distinguish between your own feelings and that of others. I have always had a nack for reading people like a book. I know when they are decieving me or telling me the truth (for the most part). It is possible to be tricked, but not often by a stranger.

If you've encountered this "gift," then I would suggest embracing it. Ignoring it and pretending it does not exist will only complicate things. You may not have all the answers for it and would like some... but then you may find "solutions" that you just plain don't want to look at. Well, that decision is yours to make.

There are many people in the world that will try to sell you something or get you to enroll in a group that you later don't care for. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART. You know what is right and wrong for yourself, above and beyond what anyone else can tell you.

To this day, my mother still has dreams that will wake her in the middle of the night and compel her to call a distant friend. She's right most of the time. I was off doing my own thing in Austin when she had a dream of me getting married in Midland. Had she told me at the time of the dream, I probably would have rejected it and her for some time. But eventually, I moved back home and settled in, got married and then she told me.

It's a very interesting phenomenon.

Relax. Take it as it comes. Write your thoughts down in a journal and review them from time to time. But whatever you do, don't fight it. Listen to your heart and be true to yourself.

Good luck with it!

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