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Old 05-31-2001, 03:18 PM   #10
Location: Tulsa, OK
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 166
I think my first was about five or six months into my training. It was a small class and my sensei helped me take breakfall ukemi for his hanmi handachi shihonage. It looked really scary but he supported me so well through it that my fears dissipated.

It seems to me that breakfalls from different techniques have somewhat different flavor. For example, breakfalls from koshi waza seem more like flopping off of nage, whereas those from kotegaeshi seem more like nage is launching uke into the air. ...I still have an aversion to breakfalls from standing shihonage. Anyone have any suggestions for overcoming such fear?

As far as confusion over types of breakfalls, I think they can range from landing flat (stemi), to those where the slapping arm helps lower uke to the ground, to those where uke actually rolls down to the ground using the "slap arm". I guess maybe there is a continuum between rolling and the flat out breakfall.

Chris Guzik

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