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Old 07-05-2007, 07:35 AM   #21
Paul Sanderson-Cimino
Dojo: Yoshokai; looking into judo
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 434
Re: Aikido Shioda on Youtube

Roman Kremianski wrote: View Post
I like Shioda Sensei...but why are his ukes always so over-eager? The man obviously has good just looks cheesey when his ukes have to ruin it by acting like they're in mortal agony or experiencing a wild seizure. I mean I know nikyo hurts, but c'mon...

Just annoys me when people do wild breakfalls just for the sake of it.
I agree. Although I hear that part of it is that, honestly, he was kind of brutal to his students, and they developed a bit of fear of him. One of his less admirable qualities. But yes. I'm dismayed when they start yelling out and stuff.

As for the "ki" thing -- while "ki" doesn't come up much, maybe, I recall Shioda-sensei talking extensively about "kokyu" in his various books (e.g. Total Aikido, Aikido Shugyo). I believe he summarized his opinion by saying that kokyu was a combination of:

1) Timing
2) Focused power

Interestingly, for the founder of a style known for its "external" emphasis, he says again and again that kokyu is essential. For instance, in Total Aikido, he remarks that if you have good form but no timing, you'll likely have no effect, but if you have good timing, you can "do a lot of damage" even if your form is poor.
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