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Old 02-01-2004, 07:23 PM   #11
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 890
Brad Medling (ikkitosennomusha) wrote:
Remember, the quesstion is, "Is Uke ever wrong in My Aikido training. The keyword being My. The answer for me is NO!

An ealier response to this post replies with a "yes" to this delima by suggesting that the uke must give the same attack with a real intent in order to practice the technique in question. I find this uncouth to say the least.

How can an attack be real if it is exactly the same attack? O-sensei said it best when he explained that he never does the same technique twice. This means that there is no human way to exactly duplicate the angle, speed, motion, torque, etc., of the technique he performed just prior to attempting the same standardized technique. This came be said for uke! Uke cannot deliver the same speed, motion, etc., etc., in the attack as he did in the attack just before.

What does all this mean? Expext the unexpected! Yes, it is good for a beginners training for uke to mimic the appropriate attack as best as possible for safety among other reasons. However, if uke is slightly skewed in his perception of his attack, this is not a bad thing for my training because I should be able to handle it and it is good for me to see how the world is on the street in an uncontrolled environment. Aikido is about taking the chaos and seizing it with control and grace.

I do believe that if the uke is not attacking apprpriately that it is bad for his training but as far as for me as nage. its great!!!!

I hopes this offers a different view. Either way, there is probably no right or wrong answer to this question because it is all about how this issue is percieved by each individual and the reason behind their logic.

Brad Medling
No, actually our views don't differ at all.

The variety of attacks you describe should be encouraged.

Of COURSE uke's never going to give the same exact attack.

However, the "general way" in which the attack is done should be suitable for the "general way" the technique should be done.

Otherwise, if uke is not being honest, and he's giving an attack while already trying to block the technique he KNOWS is coming in ADVANCE, the obvious thing to do is to shift to an entirely different technique, which is more suitable to what's going on NOW, and which uke doesn't prepare themselves for.

Uke's attack should not cross the line which makes you apply an entirely different technique from what you're currently supposed to practice.

For me, this subject is certainly interesting, and I've done things a couple of times, like when a larger uke got used to my kokyo-dosa and learned to resist it, I quickly slipped between us and did suwari-waza shihonage instead.

However that sort of behavior is only suitable for jiya-waza, which I see as the next step.

Without the "set attack-set technique" training under it, jiyu-waza cannot exist.

If you make every regular class into jiya-waza, it does not do anything to strengthen the foundation of individual techniques which will be required in jiya-waza.

It's like trying to start building stairs from mid-air, without first building the lower steps, the foundation.
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