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Old 09-22-2002, 05:07 PM   #20
Tadhg Bird
Tadhg Bird's Avatar
Dojo: New School Aikido, Stockton, CA
Location: Casper, WY
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 55
Michael Fooks said:
Once on the ground Aikido is hard to do. We relay on using our bodies to control uke, and you can't move properly on the ground so you're left trying to muscle a nikyo on someone with just arm strenth. Doesn't work.
No it wouldn't work the way you describe, but believe it or don't it *is* possible to do "Horizontal Aikido" still using your body!

Then He said this too:
The answer of course is to abandon traditional aikido techniques, and figure out how to use the underlying principals whilst on the ground. Principals like staying off the line, takeing uke's balance (base), using the combined force of your body targeted at the weakest part of ukes body etc. All these principals can be applied on the ground. And then you get something that most people describe as Brazillian Jujitsu
Bear Gamboa Sensei of Albuquerque, NM has developed Aikido ground techniques. Why is it still Aikido and not Brazillain Jujitsu? Because the techniques hold to the Aikido philosophy of non-violence, non-injury, and non-resistance! There are many throws, pins and holds that can be done on the ground and still be Aikido. My Sensei is continuing to innovate in this arena, and it has become part of the curriculim for New School Aikido.

The other night we were doing an intersting technique... a kokyu, using our legs. It was interesting to extend ki out my foot instead of my hands....

Smooth Roads,

-- Tadhg

"Words and letters can never adequately describe Aikido -- its meaning is revealed only to those who are enlightened through hard training." -- Ueshiba Morihei O Sensei
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