Thread: No defence?
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Old 07-20-2012, 08:12 AM   #29
Dojo: Seishinkan Dojo
Location: Copenhagen
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 111
Re: Ma-ai

Mark Harrington wrote: View Post

I think ma-ai is the answer to an effective defense, because I think the attack had begun some time before the actual weapon was used. The attack did not begin when he slashed the victim, it began when he was talking, closing the distance, setting up his position, looking for a moment of inattention. To phrase the question, "what is the effective defense?", should allow that the defense can begin at the same time as the attack.
I completely understand what you're saying, but that's more down the line of avoiding the attack, or making sure it never gets to that (or gets to such an unfavourable situation). Of course, I could have missundestood the question, but as I read it, what I got was "once you're in that situation, is there a defence that could work effectively?" - just saying "avoid getting in the situation" isn't really answering that. Sure, it would be good to do, if you can, but not really an answer.

And that's assuming a lot of things about the attacker. From the description, it sounds to me like it was a person he knew, and someone that he had no clue would do such a thing. Everything that people so far has posted, is under the assumption that you can feel a bad vibe going, that can "see the attack coming", so to speak. While most of us are lucky enough not to know people crazy enough to do this, there are psychopaths insane enough to set up a kill on someone they closely know, and do so in a calm non-threatening manner.
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