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Old 01-11-2012, 07:03 PM   #9
Location: Medellin
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 13
Re: Do Senseis Usually Not Want Parents Around During Class?

For me, and I get the sense my son is having a similar experience, it's like being thrown into the fire with little or no preparation. A significant amount of being pushed into things we don't seem to be ready for. (But maybe that's just how aikido is done?) For example, mae ukemi and ushiro ukemi (I think - it was a backwards roll).

My son doesn't get mae ukemi yet (and just came back after the dojo being closed for a month). He was trying to do a basic forward roll with just one hand (i.e., attempting mae ukemi) and was hurting himself doing it and sensei said to just keep trying. While sensei was later showing him ushiro ukemi, sensei seemed to lose patience with him and sent him off to do seiza. My son burst into tears. Later he called him back to try again and my son did it correctly a couple times.

I get a general sense of sensei being in a terrible rush and already on the first day of a class made up of 5-7 year olds. I don't understand why.

I'm training with a bunch of more advanced students and I identify with your comment about there being more stress and fear than calm, Janet. Thanks.
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