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Old 04-04-2002, 06:01 AM   #12
Bruce Baker
Dojo: LBI Aikikai/LBI ,NJ
Location: Barnegaat, NJ
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 893
My Aikido works ...because

Well, Sascha took all my good points, except one ... why.

If you have ever tried to answer a three or four year old who asks, "WHY?", you will have a clue to insight.

Sometimes in our attempt to gain skill, we rush past the 'why' to gain Aikido proficiency. 'Them skills' is the basic karate/jujitsu that almost all of O'Sensei's students studied before, during, or after studying with O'Sensei or later students did in Aikido studies?

You need to learn not only the mechanic's of the throw or the pin, but how/why it works. Getting there is half the fun, but knowing how to adapt and overcome when it doesn't, because you or your opponent changes the conditions of success, happens with knowledge/open mind.

Reminds me of the time my father and uncle were getting the rattlesnakes out from under a cabin. When they busted the rock foundation and hundreds of snakes and smoke came rolling out, they did a jumping dancing run to avoid getting bit. There weren't no time for technique, just go with it and get the hell out of the way.

Sometimes that is the motivation for adapting and changing when my technique is neutralized, adapt/change and do whatever will work in that situation.

Those snakes were about 1955 when I was two, which is probably why I had dreams of snakes under the house, until I heard that story. Hatred and fear then becomes softened with knowledge, adapted to/ overcome.

Your Aikido works, mine doesn't ...

I think to myself,"This guy is just beggin' for the Three Stooges distracton technique, yuk-yuk yuk!"
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