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Old 07-01-2015, 07:40 AM   #25
Amir Krause
Dojo: Shirokan Dojo / Tel Aviv Israel
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 692
Re: You are giving me the wrong energy...WTF


Not knowing you, nor coming from your school, this is a bit difficult to answer.

However, I wish to repeat the above statement:
when doing Kata, you should do that Kata to the best of your ability and you should forget your knowledge of employed technique.

While I have never used the phrase "wrong energy" I do recall myself telling Uke he is not doing the Kata Sensei showed,hence I had to deviate from Sensei intended technique to practice. I then asked him to change power/pressure direction and or attack to adjust to Sensei Kata. Of course I did it as he get us from throw (but that has to do with other things, particularly the tendency of such states to occur among beginners, which I can no longer claim to be )

Long before the street, we have other pillars of training, such as Randori, which in the style I practice (Korindo), is not a one Vs many people trying to grab you on turn, rather a closer to low to mid intensity sparring, with both sides initiating attacks o their own time (mostly punches or strikes, with some kicks, and very few grabs), evading the others techniques and reversing them. Randori is far from a fight as it should be a learning tool to practice, not focused on winning (a fact hard to learn and still confusing at times, even with own experiance ). But, one can't complain in Randori as to partners attack, partner use of own openning or even the partner setting one a trap. This is not Kate.

Now, there are several options here, and not seeing the practice, I could not guess which happens in reality:
1) You are doing the Kata as should, maybe a bit forcefully, but exactly. Except Naga is not competent enough to do that particular technique in a way he deams safe for practice given the intensity level you employ.
Solution - grade down and adjust. Even if Nage is a Yundasha, you are not the Sensei, and you don't grade him, your role as Uke is to help him train. Also, may consult with Sensei as to directions for Nage to deal with you if Nage wishes.

2) You are not doing the Kata as should, some change you do voids the opportunity for the exact technique variation Sensei shows (or makes it too narrow for this Nage, maybe a better one still could).
Solution - try to adjust your movements more, ask Sensei to perform on you and sense for such things. Note, if Sensei changes the exact technique he demonstrated, this means you have changed the Kata.

3) Your sensei is not giving exact Kata to practice, rather varies it a little each time, and then something akin to the two above happens - Nage is not competent enough to adjust, and you are taking things to one side which makes it more difficult on him.
Solution - change you side of the equation, make it easy to do correct technique o you on first few times and gradually lean to your way, within the range Sensei has shown.

Hope this helps a bit

For more on other types of Randori, see:
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