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Old 03-28-2005, 06:13 PM   #24
Dojo: Roppongi Yoshinkan Aikido / Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan
Location: Tokyo
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 571
Re: Kamae vs Shizentai (hips underneath)

Mike Sigman wrote:
Kokyu power doesn't go well through stiff joints or too-bent joints ... and a stiff lower back is a stiff joint. Deliberately tucking or holding the hips in an artificial position is not relaxation and that seems to be the main point to consider, IMO.
Mike ... I wouldn't call it an artificial position or unrelaxed. Lining up your body to focus power at a single point at a single time may require training, but why call it unnatural? Consider the changes that competative swimmers and runners go through in order to improve their "natural" ability.

I think its just training and constant training to get to the point where you can do this "naturally and relaxed"...which means, Ron, you aren't missing anything except the 50 years Takeno Sensei has ahead of you in training.

Just a thought,


Hiriki no yosei 3 - The kihon that makes your head ache instead of your legs
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