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Old 04-18-2014, 11:25 AM   #7
Dojo: Sakumeikan N.E. Aikkai .Newcastle upon Tyne.
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
Re: YouTube: Jacques Payet Demonstration

Adam Huss wrote: View Post
The point of running on and off the mat is to show a level of humility and respect, as well as display a high level of spirit (like the "shin" in yoshin). Rather than having cool intro music, and slowly sauntering out onto the mat for all to bask in your emanate shihany glory, the idea is to not waste peoples time and show some energy and sprint as if you actually are happy to be there. The mindset that you are honored to be there demonstrating rather than the mindset that its an honor for those watching you to be there.

As far as the appearance of rigidity I can say that is the manifestation of concentrating all of the body's energy into one focal point, there is definitely no 'muscling' going on in the video. The 'body checking' is an example of this, and requires really precise timing and "ai" aspect of aikido. Very high level.

Friends of mine that have trained with Mr. Payet have said its like trying to grab smoke. I know there are people on this forum that have trained with Payet Sensei, and they can certainly speak more authoritatively than I.
Dear Adam,
I do not see how running on .off the tatami shows humility/respect and spirit.Neither have I seen as you put it Senseis basking in 'Shihanry glory???'I have witnessed demos by Tamura, Saito, Yamaguchi, Hosokawa, Shirata Senseis etc At no time did these men saunter onto the tatami , and bask in any glory as you put it.The walked onto the tatami, bowed to the kamisa, their Ukes and did an excellent demo.I never got the impression that the men above were trying to emulate anybody.I must say I saw a ;resemblance 'to Shioda Sensei in one or two points.The hoppity skip/the body checking for example.
You say this is focusing body energy, maybe so .I see rigidity.Just saying.I guess one mans meat is another mans poison.I cannot say I have ever seen an Yoshinkan person demonstrate in a fluid way. Shioda Sensei is /was great.Students .Nevertheless I feel of Yoshinkan Aikido students are somewhat robotic. Cheers, Joe.
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