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Old 09-08-2011, 01:02 PM   #12
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,996
Re: Howard Popkin Seminar Review - Mesa, AZ

Jon O'Neall wrote: View Post
I have been a lurker at Aikiweb for years but had never bothered to actually register before now. In fact, I actually registered right after Howard's Mesa, AZ seminar so that I could login and post my praises of him, but it took Jun until just yesterday to activate my account (not complaining, I know Jun's busy... just explaining why this seminar review is now over a month past due).

Anyway, I am not an Aikidoka, but I have always been interested in the subject of "aiki" from Daitoryu's perspective (as opposed to the various ways Aikido has attempted to define it over the years) and attended Howard's Mesa, AZ seminar at the Budo Shingikan with high hopes of finally seeing and feeling legitimate Daitoryu aiki... and Howard did not disappoint!!! Not only did he demo/perform/teach us all some Daitoryu aiki, but he also put up with my (and others) many questions regarding all sorts of topics related to Daitoryu and aiki. Plus, for me personally, to finally be able to learn definitionally the differences between Daitoryu's jujutsu vs aikijujutsu vs aikinojutsu was worth the price of admission alone... that was a ghost I had been chasing for years (just the definitions) and Howard gave concrete, no BS examples of each. It's amazing how just a little bit of straight-forward talk combined with actual knowledge and skill can dissipate the fog of mystery surrounding that subject!

I know nobody on here knows me from Adam, so my opinion means squat, but folks, if you ever get a chance to attend a Howard Popkin seminar, do so! Not only will you get a chance to see/feel Daitoryu "aiki" for real, and get a chance to meet and train with a budoka of the first order (ie, Howard), but you'll also get a chance to meet just one heckuva great guy! It's not often you meet someone with such martial skill, and it's not often you meet someone that is so cool... but to have the two combined in one guy is a rare treat! So don't miss out if you get the chance!

Howard, I know I've said this to you privately, but I wanted to thank you for everything publicly as well!

Now back to lurker mode for another decade or so....

As great as Howard's skills are, his character is even better. Great guy, exemplary teacher, humble, very dedicated, really cares about whether a student is "getting it", and well worth knowing. I'm certainly glad that I reached out and got in contact with him years ago. Don't sit by and wait for Howard to come near your area, find out where he'll be and go meet him. You won't regret it, especially for those in aikido.

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