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Old 03-20-2007, 09:44 AM   #161
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Dan, Mike, and Aikido

Hi George
Just quick I have to get back to work.
I'm not so sure you get what I have been saying (selling? nice ) all these years.
Everyone thinks because I strongly advocate a position FOR Daito ryu's historical role in Ueshiba-ha Daito ryu. More importantly in his Aiki way that I'm a Daito ryu guy. And I'm not. I see what I see. I don't care WHO is right, I care WHAT is right. Stan blew up up the technical fallacy foisted on the early students but he coudn't address the power and internal skills because he doesn't know them. So we had everyone now "corrected" about the techncial syllabus go on tol spout the same crap about the internals. Once again minimizing Takeda's role almost to nothin, to the point of evern denying Daito ryu has any internal skills. So for me reading all this in the last year was -SSDD.

So....whenI read Ueshiba "created" this power by adding "other things after. I say its bullshit. Ueshiba was a Daito ryu man through and through. His method is Aiki-no-jutsu exrpessed in a more gentle manner. Period. His sudden "spurt" was as explicable as Shioda's. They both, at a point in their careers, had the higher evel stuff shown to them and they got it......spurt.
That point is not widely accepted, at all.
The only difference is how he "expressed it and his Ukes responded. That is a choice of finishing, not the art. CMA internal methods will work just fine but historically it wasn't CMA internal methods that created Ueshiba at all. It was DR's.

Point two is that that doing waza ain't ever gonna get you there in anything and they teachers were and are holding out on us. I think your right on that we now agree there as well. I'm not a waza guy I long left the wrst grabs and Shomens behind for MMA so I can't really address it anymore.

How to fix Aikido?
Well, I'm confused here. As recently as yesterdy Mike Haft tells me this stuff is "all over the place in Aikido." So, what are those-who have slammed Mike, Rob and I,and told us flaltly that these things are, after all this, already in your art gonna do about it?
Are you gonna demand your teachers teach?
Are you gonne look em in the eye and say "I don't wanna wreck my body anymore-where's the beef?"
I'd say why would you need Mike or me or all?

We pointed out some facts.

It needs to be taught in small groups. Seems those who got up off their asses and went to feel it all have said-at least to our faces-they have not felt anything as good IN aikido but it is most assuredly AIkido and needed in the art.

Last up. Rob and Mike can speak for themselves. I was critisized stronger them most and non-directly called a liar... yeah me. I have never received an single apology, nor even a begrudging acknowledgement for stepping up. Thats fine, its not needed nor asked for. But when I couple that behaviour with the letters I have recieved from Aikido's own teachers warning me about the smiles to my face and the backstabing it goes along way to solidifying Mikes point about the passive/ agressive personalites so prevelent in Aikido.
I'm going to be "drawn" to help these folks -enmasse-exactly why?

I am teaching small groups of Aikido people who seem to be sincere. It doesn't hurt my primary role of husband and dad. So I am helping.
Selling? Well I can at least say I -honestly- care for those who ask and I -actually- teach what I am talking about....and that.... for free.
I care more for those who were like me, But who were not as fortunate. they came honestly seeking and were lied to and held back from and were sorted out to play a roll and wreck their bodies hoping to reach the carrot...firmly held out of reach by a smiling teacher.
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