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Old 07-29-2003, 09:32 AM   #3
souji's Avatar
Dojo: MMU Aikido Dojo
Location: Bukit Beruang, Malacca
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 11
I am currently trying to live up to that list. But A good teacher I think should be...

* patience 10%

* sense of humor 5%

* still a student him/herself 5%

* honesty 5%

* sincerity 15%

* encouraging 5%

* desire to learn 10%

* ability to teach one thing at a time 5%

* willingness to take ukemi for beginners 5%

* open to answer questions about technique and philosophy 5%

* displays genuine desire to teach 30%

hahaha. That is how I think a teacher should be. I'm trying to live up to the numerics I've given above. But beginner teacher is supposed to learn. But there is a difference between teachers and instructors. Most of these so called teachers at my dojos are actually instructors because they only teach on what they know and only the techniques. Teachers are not supposed to only teach techniques. They are also supposed to teach what Morihei wanted them to give to the Aikidoka. The insight and spirit of Aiki.
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