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Old 10-11-2006, 04:35 PM   #71
jason jordan
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Dojo: Dallas Aikikai/ Southlake Aikikai
Location: Southlake Texas
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 113
Re: Why do some people hate Aikido?

Wow!! Good points.

I most definately agree with the intentions of O'sensei and his heart towards Aikido, and the harmonious nature that true aikido keiko should foster.

As far as tradtion is concerned, I think tradition should be followed but only followed with thought and understanding. i.e. don't practice tradition without understanding from where and why the traditional thoughts came about.

But I look at it like this. Aikido is still a martial art, and whereas O'sensei dealt with swords, spears, jo's, bokken, we deal with knives, guns, people wanting to prove their art is better, men raping women etc etc etc. So that in itself brings the need to adapt.

I am finding that tradtion is a hard thing to deal with. (As a Preaching Christian) I have found that some traditional thought was not always "THE BEST WAY" but I have also found that when we try to adjust (Adapt), some people take things waaaayyyyy to far.

And this has been the case with a lot of different situations.
I love Aikido becuase of the philosophy and heart of the art, but I am also drawn to the Martial side of the art and find that I need to in my practice and developement observe the modern day situations "THAT COULD ARRIVE" "keeping the heart and mind of what my Aikido training provides. Ai Ki DO...path, way. Not Jutsu = techniques. (Correct me if Im wrong)

Times have changed therefore we must understand the times, however truth is truth no matter what!

I am rushing my thoughts because it is 30 mins before class time, and I really want to explore this more.

But I hope that I am expressing myself clearly to some degree?!?!?!

Thank you for your time!!!
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