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Old 11-10-2007, 07:58 PM   #62
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3
Re: Ki and Remaining Grounded

Hello everyone, Hi Paul, if you guys have a minute see my website at

It is my opinion that we westerners especially put to much of a fantasy upon ki (energy). Since we have a limited understanding as to why the easterners describe ki in such ways. For instance ki is also considered a feeling and a mood in eastern tongue. We westerners are seeing to much into star wars and into x-men like powers and not into the reality of energy itself. The entire body is compressed energy, thought is energy, movement is energy, and as far as this action in aikido, so is attention and intention energy.

I dont want to sound like a mister know it all because I dont, as the chinese say, "there is always a higher mountain".

I really posted this reply because I really admire sincere martial artist, I was raised around the martial arts and took a few classes, my old man was a 7th degree black belt or higher I dont know because he died before showing me his other certificates in ishinryu karate and I've studied many forms. My dad was alot like me, he wanted to experience the truth of his art and not just be a puppet doing forms and not realizing the secret the original masters found. It wasn't until a few years ago that my studies concerning ki and the like transformed. I think Peter Ralston ( had alot to do with that and also I just never had a deep down good feeling about accepting a gospel truth that I personally had not experienced. This leads me in saying that ki is real, but it will never be real to the person who seeks a fantasy, first you must be real. Oh I'm sorry Paul your question concerning the bigger person lifting you up is easy to understand. Babies are always heavy and hard to lift when they don't want to be picked up, and why? The baby naturally has strong (ki) but don't fantasize ki, see what it is, I like to describe it more as attention and intention rather as to an "invisible glow or force". Though it is force, it is force just the same as the force you are using to read these words. The master has a conscious awareness of that force, this is the difference from pupil to master among other things. Back to what I was saying, techniques and trying to do as the teachers says is good, but better is the ability and experience of self discovery and personal unfolding, when one reaches the experience and not just the hearsay, ki becomes real and known and felt. I remember the first time I experienced this energy I was awed and overwhelmed, and any one who really have experienced it will tell you the same in simular, because it is a heightened awareness of something more and beyond normal perception, in fact ki actually causes that experience. It's like experiencing pure energy, and we are energy! Do you get it, it is you! Remember O Sensei saying he was the universe, that is real and true, but most of his students never EXPERIENCED that and most students and teachers today do not know of it beyond an intellectual comprehension. Please see my simple website and email me for any questions, I am here to help and training and helping others sharpens me as well so we would both benefit, "no one is really greater than the other we are all just children." Let us learn and discover together, I would like to correspond with anyone who really wants to know the true nature of ki!

Thanks so much for reading,
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