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Old 02-22-2011, 04:56 AM   #17
Demetrio Cereijo
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,248
Re: On M. Tennenhouse


I don't have any problem with what happened and why. David asked "Where can the full account of this be found?". In my opinion, the full account can't be found anywhere. There still are bits and pieces around but some data has been lost, some is in private hands and some is not available for those who don't need to know.

What remains is Threadgill Sensei tape (still unpublished afaik), the memories of the people involved (and not everyone who was there has told what, in their opinion, happened) and a handful of posts around the web, so I don't think a complete picture of the incident exists at this moment.

In some years, the MT incident will be only a story like the Judo vs JJ matches in 19th century Japan, Ueshiba vs the firing squad or Sokaku leveling the Kodokan. What happened, how and why we don't really know.

OTOH, you can think it's very easy making observations without having been there, but it's not. What is easy from here is avoiding the emotional involvement of the people who participated so if I were interested in studying the MT incident as a history aficionado, I would have some advantage at mantaining objectivity and neutrality

Last edited by Demetrio Cereijo : 02-22-2011 at 04:58 AM.