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Old 01-16-2009, 08:28 PM   #172
Mike Sigman
Location: Durango, CO
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 4,123
Re: Using ki-skills for "aiki" in Daito-Ryu

Richard Haight wrote: View Post
Mike, I had an idea to help clarify whether or not we are indeed referring to the same principles. By restricting our options of movement we can see if we are talking about the same thing or not.

Test one:
Uke stands next to a vertical iron pole or smallish tree that is firmly in the ground, and grabs onto it with one hand firmly, while standing erect and firmly grabs on to your lightly extended finger (your arm is extended lightly). You are standing erect and directly in front of the uke. He grabs your finger firmly and does his best to prevent you from moving. You are not allowed to move your body in any way, nor your feet (no turning either - even a fraction of an inch) and you must lightly hold your breath (to prevent a breath method application). Your only allowed movement is to bring your finger horizontally to the side (opposite direction of the pole), SLOWLY. You are not allowed to move your hand towards the ground in any way (do not break the horizontal plain). The questions are, can uke resist this and hold onto the pole? Is he sent flying without you even intending to throw him? Does your finger hurt or feel strained in anyway. Is there any sense of heaviness? If done correctly using only aiki, the uke's grip will be ripped from the pole easily and he will be sent tumbling off to the side effortlessly and not even be able to hold on to your finger when he falls.

I've got a few other tests which I would like to pose, but I have to run now.

Richard, I dunno. I'm having second thoughts about just "talking". How about I narrow it down to saying more "how things are done" rather than just "talking"? Would that work?

For instance, just "talking" could result in me trying to have a coherent conversation with a student of this guy, yet I doubt we'd go very far:

One of his students could suggest to me that if I couldn't make someone do the Boing-Boing Dance that I wasn't talking about the same "chi power" he was talking about. If you see the problem from my perspective.


Mike Sigman
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