Thread: Wearing Hakama
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Old 08-19-2000, 08:09 PM   #23
Dojo: Uni of Western Australia
Location: Western Australia
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 15
ca wrote:
all right, i can't stand it any longer...
Pleased to see that whatever's been holding you back didn't get the better of you
much the same as two things i was taught when i joined the AF (too) many years ago
Wow! Thank you very much for relating these two things. Isn't it great that things have moved forwards since then. (They have moved forwards in the AF, right? )
Our female aikidoists requested our hakama rule be only skill-based some time ago, but I saw the old rule in force when I was visiting Japan recently so it made me wonder about whether the old practice still had a place in modern dojos.
And Colleen, I'm led to believe there is a big difference between flow-that-marks-gi-hakama-and-floor and flow-that-marks-gi, but I'm happy to accept that the rule wasn't made for practical concerns to help keep women on the mats.
Thanks again.

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