Thread: Wearing Hakama
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Old 08-19-2000, 08:48 AM   #21
Dojo: NUI, Galway Aikido Club.
Location: Galway, Ireland.
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 334

"Andrew, I'm not clear on your statement about inappropriate sentiments and insults to aikidoka."

Pardon me. I read it in an article on
My understanding of what I read was that the "modesty" aspect tended to imply that male aikidoka might be unduly distracted by the sight of a lady in her underwear, unlike presumably the ladies viewing menfolk thus attired. I gather the insult was assuming men would behave like Animal when Spohia Loren was on the muppet show, albeit in a far less entertaining manner to the general public.
That other point somebody else made about hakama in the states and their expense is the same reason as Japan really, isn't it?
A friend of mine reckons that, for all they look good on men, they look REALLY good on women, but I believe that too might come under the heading of "inappropriate" as a reason.
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