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Old 01-26-2011, 10:01 AM   #53
ChrisHein's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido of Fresno
Location: Fresno , CA
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,646
Re: Why do you perceive "internal" superior to athleticism?

Every time I post, I have to respond to many different people, so forgive me if I omit you specifically. This post would go on to long if I were to respond to everyone individually.

I asked the question, what can an internal martial artist physically do better than an athlete. I saw many replies that said something to the effect of: athletics are different than internal, each should be trained for their specific strengths. So what is the specific strength that internal has over athletics? What can internal people do that athletes can't?

David Orange. Let me address as many of your questions as I can in one statement. Ki or Chi means energy. Exactly as we use the word in the west. When you knock on a door, you put ki into the wood, and that ki reverberates through the air going inside of the ear and makes a sound. When you pick something up, you are using ki. Ki is not magical, it means energy. Watch a physics lecture and substitute the word ki every time the speaker says energy, we in the west use the same word to explain all kinds of things.

When I said I believe that athletes are physically superior to internal people, I should have said, believe and can prove. I can show you video of athletes doing all kinds of things that internal people can't. I have yet to see a video of an internal guy doing something that I can't duplicate, let a lone a professional athlete.

Athletes can do everything on your list as well or better than any internal person. That is my opinion, yours is apparently contrary to that, how do we prove our points with something other than our own speculation?

Other then saying, "they're just different" I didn't see any real answers.

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