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Old 06-30-2008, 08:43 AM   #14
Dan Austin
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 151
Re: tattoos

Isaac Bettis wrote: View Post

We house great works of art within all kinds of houses of worship, and we might even call some of those halls works of art. We decorate the inside and outside of those buildings with sculpture, paint, tapestries, and whatnot. If my body is a temple what is the difference between an awe inspiring stained glass window and a Slayer tattoo on my chest (I don't have one, but Slayer is pretty friggn badass, and yes I can give you evidence). It is merely decoration.
The "body is a temple" line comes from the biblical "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received form God? You are not your own; and you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."

If you aren't the owner of your body, I don't see how deciding to brand yourself with a heavy metal tattoo honors God, but even people who call themselves Christians will make excuses for what they want to do. You may not be a Christian, so that point may be irrelevant to you, but I'm supposed to debate emotional maturity with someone who says he can "give evidence" that "Slayer is pretty friggn badass"? I think I'll have to pass. Thank you for providing another data point of correlation. Again, to each his own, and until you are beyond the need for such things you won't understand why not everyone thinks tattoos are cool or that they say positive things about the bearer. Enough said. Everyone has the right to expect that their freedom to make choices is respected, but not that the choices themselves must be.
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