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Old 08-22-2007, 12:17 PM   #1533
Erick Mead
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Dojo: Big Green Drum (W. Florida Aikikai)
Location: West Florida
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Re: Baseline skillset

Ron Tisdale wrote: View Post
Look, they don't hand out fancy belts or awards. It's a discussion group. And the reason it is private is responses like the I'm quoting above. And the fact that this is happening here is exactly the point of why these kinds of threads are better in the private venue, which in turn drives this information under ground. Counter productive, don't you think???

If we didn't have responses like these, maybe the information wouldn't be in a private discussion group.
I might tend to agree, but when those who participate in these discussions are asked to discuss matters in terms of reference that do not reflect a self-enclosed jargon, there is resistance to the very idea that it MIGHT just have a more general physical basis that can usefully be examined in more generally accessible terms. When some discussions do tend that way, the fall-back is into areas that are less than generally accepted, such as "fascial" theories of action. I do not deny that there is some basis of biomechanical action that is not muscular in the leverage sense, but that does not mean it has no adequate basis for description in physical mechanics.

The implication is that generalizing the debate surrenders control over the terms of reference -- which is true, and a strong hallmark of concern. One can avoid any critical question if you get to define the terms of reference, or if they are so ill defined as to make any answer impossible to question further. The history of jargonized charlatanism in this arena is too well documented (and deep in history even in China and Japan) to allow for breezy dismissals of the "uninitiated."

Holistic terms of traditional understanding are fine as far as they go, but they are not in opposition to or incompatible with western mechanics. The Chinese have a space program, you know. Japan has submarines and its own satellite programs.

When you hear hooves think horses not zebras -- that's all I am saying. Lectures from anyone about what I or anyone does or does not hear, are worse than pointless, as are suggestions that only certain people can allow me to hear them, or that useful descriptions of even extremely subtle physical action are not within the realm of physical concepts. I have heard them -- now let everyone get down to the taxonomy of the equine hoofbeats already, and leave the classification of the snarkbeasts for some other forum..


Erick Mead
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