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Old 01-12-2010, 09:40 PM   #20
Kevin Leavitt
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Dojo: Team Combat USA
Location: Olympia, Washington
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 4,376
Re: Dreaming about MMA?

Absolutely true concerning Self Defense...most of us surpassed our ability to meet this goal a long time ago and I have always contended that empty handed arts like aikido or even MMA to be very inefficient delivery mechanisms to learn SD.

However, we study this stuff for other reasons that may vary from person to person.

For me, as a Combat Arms Army Officer, it is a part of my job, so I do care a fair amount past the Ability to defend myself and want to be somewhat effective offensively for sure.

That said, I do get tired of the MMA does not approximate reality or is not realistic arguments, as MMA does offer us alot. Alot more than most TMAs do for "combative" situations. Combat Sports vs AIkido....

Why can't you do both? Who said you can't be proficient along the whole spectrum? Why does it have to be "good at sport, but not at reality". Or "good in reality, but not sport?"

I do both with no issues. I can walk into a Judo tournament and fight with their rules. Go to a BJJ tournament and do that. Go to My Aikido Dojo....teach combatives...go to a MMA event...and have no issues at all understanding where I am at that point in time.

Why does there have to be a distinction or separation?

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