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Old 08-17-2004, 08:32 AM   #8
Dojo: Great Wave Aikido
Location: Alberta, Canada
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 543
Re: Assaulted in a bar

Hi again, Luis.

Hmmmm - this is a bit of a poser for me; I can't provide an answer for this one; though that's not exactly uncommon. (Actually; I've always got an answer for everything - whether or not what I think reflects reality is another matter. LOL!)
I don't know enough about Finnish culture and evening habits to be able to say one way or the other; what's normal one place certainly might not be in another.
But; the thing that's got me confused concerning the situation is the actions of the bouncer in question - the physical force he used on you. It sounds to me like an ejection; not an assault - he acted in your description like a good bouncer might; getting a disorderly person out the door fast and with a reasonable amount of safety. A bully would likely have been far more rough given the chance - I'm sure there are lots of us who've seen what some bozos'll do given the least bit of opportunity.
Your statement that: "they did call us something like "go away f****ing drug addicts!" helps a bit; but there's still a huge grey area there; assuming everything you've said is factually correct. (Sorry; had to put that in - the difficulty in dealing with eyewitness accounts; especially from the people involved, is that what they can see and experience might be vastly different from what actually happened; due to their emotions and viewpoints colouring their testimony.)
If you wish there's another source of information I could try; one which would certainly yield results:
I belong to a mailing list which serves as a forum for defence professionals within a vast field of experience; from LEO's to lawyers, government sources, soldiers, martial arts practicioners/teachers, etc., ad nauseam. The list is worldwide; and I know several of the lists's members have first-hand experience in Finland.
This has got me curious as well ( ); so with your permission I'd like to forward this post to the list to get their take on it - if the respondents give permission I could forward their responses to you.
(FYI; the List is here; part of the No Nonsense Self Defense site - very, very highly recommended reading.)

Any sort of assault or physical confrontation is a very serious affair; at the very least it provides a valuable lesson so I'd like to help. If you want; please say so and I'll have it up in about 2 minutes.


Answers are only easy when they're incomplete.
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