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Old 02-19-2017, 02:50 AM   #7
Cass's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido Academy
Location: Athens
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 67
Re: Being the Demo Uke

Some interesting perspectives that I hadn't thought about, thank you everyone .

Regarding being female, which I hadn't considered, there was one woman that had more experience than me that recently moved to the mixed class and was also never used. That being said, her boyfriend was training the same duration, was more adept in skill and good friends with the sensei, so not the best example. Sexism is pretty prevalent in Greece in general and I have experienced it on the tatami (coming from the UK I would say gender biases are back a good 10-20 years here), but I don't think it is the case for this sensei as his girlfriend is a yudansha and he does train with her from time to time. Though, come to think of it, I know little of that and it could also be a reason - if she is not very comfortable with him training with other women or perhaps if he doesn't feel comfortable because of it.

On the other hand, his other ukes have all fit under different descriptions some of which described above. The one aforementioned that just left was his close friend and by far and above the most adept (and aiki-crazed ). Some struggle with ukemi so perhaps he gets them to practice that, others are very tense or get flustered under pressure. I realize I am also perhaps the most questioning student in the class, even if I am slightly uncertain about something I will ask for clarification whilst my peers will just push through poor technique until corrected - I guess this helps highlight all of my shortcomings.

Yesterday we were just 2 students in the class and he used us more or less in equally. It is the changing approach to who he uses that confuses me a bit. But after class for the previous few weekends myself and 2 other students (the 2 that just left for mixed) have been practicing our first breakfalls personally with the sensei after class and he has personally invited me to join them more than once. Yesterday he even urged me in a one-on-one to try my first both-standing break fall which even those that just advanced had not done before and did not make any corrections. Afterwards he also told me to ask the main sensei if I could progress to doing both bokken classes (mixed and beginner). So I feel a little reaffirmed that he doesn't think I am bad but perhaps for whatever reason he is not so comfortable around me.

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