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Old 12-04-2013, 01:50 PM   #13
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 716
Re: Lower back pain after training

Floyd Hagen wrote: View Post
I don't like this continuing trend enabling of lazy ukemi. I've been in this art around 15 years now, and ukemi seems to get worse and worse because of this attitude that "X" isn't necessary. First koshi nage disappeared, then high falls, and now rolling is not even required. Just because "X" takes effortful practice doesn't mean you should give up on it. If someone wants to try improve their ukemi then they should be encouraged.

High falls may not be necessary, but people who don't participate in them are really missing out on a great aiki experience. There is nothing like providing an attack and then ending up facing in the opposite direction on the other side of the mat, wondering what the hell just happened, with a vague recollection of going head over heels through the air at some point.

My guess is the execution was wrong. Either you executed the fall wrong and still need ukemi practice in this area, or nage executed the technique in a way that did not put you in a natural position to take the high fall-or a combination of both. Practice taking high falls with a partner who understands it's a rotating hara that leads to a high fall, not an arm crank. Let them guide you to where the fall begins and take the fall yourself in a way that feels natural to you by feeling your hara rotate. The lower to the mat they can guide you before your hips begin to rotate the better. We call these "roll out rolls" here. You'll end up layed out on the mat like you took a high fall, but you really never leave the ground. Then you can work your way up to a higher fall.
I agree with this. If you post a video of yourself taking a high fall, I'm sure there are plenty of people here who can constructively critique your technique.
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