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Old 04-06-2001, 08:29 AM   #9
Dojo: Bradford
Location: UK
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 7
I aggree with Ian that ukemi is off-putting. I smashed up both shoulders within a fortnight of starting aikido, and I have a mental block about going over on my left side. (I'm starting to get over it but it will take time). Ukemi appears to my limited insight to be about a third of all aikido; if you can receive it well you can understand the technique from both sides. If I can't receive ukemi, tori can't perform the technique properly and I end up wasting everyone's time.

I've been told that it will come in time, but the way that's working for me is to start off on my knees and go through each "stage". As I overcome one problem I can work on the next piece. For instance, when I started my leading arm would just collapse. Then I had to "look" in the right direction. Now I've got to work on getting lower to the mat. After that it'll probably be which foot to lead off and so on. Also, my sensei has been so helpful in identifying the problems.

In addition, we've had quite a few people start at our dojo just after me. We also have a 5th dan who guests as instructor once a month. His technique is so beyond most people, and quite furious. I think that puts people off aswell (he's not as generous with his teaching as our regular sensei). (But incredible to watch!)

(Long post. Sorry.)

The tiger who hunts for men may be plump,
But he still pounces
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