Thread: False sense?
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Old 08-21-2003, 10:34 PM   #14
Chris Raeger
Dojo: Shinryukan Canterbury
Location: NZ
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 5
Ok, I agree that people are over cooperative at times in training, which can be frustrating. Your technique feels empty and weak and you can be left wondering what just happened, if anything. Your awareness of what works and what you are doing wrong gets messed up. In the Dojo we have a unique opportunity to 'set-up' a technique, as it were, before we attempt it. By creating this model to work to, with the help of or training partner, we can interperate the results and ajust what we are doing as we go along. If people get straight down to physical stuff then you can still relate to the other person. Physically, in a reasonable way, give them an example of what you what you want from them. Cooperation works, but needs to be learnt just as do the techniques.

The Dojo is like the stage in acting. It is a different reality the attempts to mirror the real world equivalent. It is a preperation place rather than the actual place. Take risks, overcome weaknesses, and become prepared for whatever challenges await you.

A false sense of something working can only grow if it is given nourishment. Starve it and it will die. Nourish what works!

Hi Eric, have I earned the right to face your blade yet?
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