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Old 06-18-2012, 02:07 PM   #513
Chris Parkerson
Dojo: Academy of the Martial Arts
Location: ohio
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 740
Re: Spiritual and i/p

Hugh Beyer wrote: View Post
That's it, all done here. Godwin's law.
Mathew and Chris, avoiding like the plague any reference to Nazi Germany, I would say that I look for that spark of inspiration from everywhere - even a novice at my projects. That is the essence of "surrender" and in surrender, one finds inspiration flooding down from the heavens.

Thus says Rumi, "Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment."

If experts determine what is acceptable without such surrender and openness, we have as Tom suggests, a model that is closed. The Inquisition has been referenced in this thread already. Who's position would you have sided with? The Catholic Church or Copernicus. Your above arguments suggest the former.

Our greatest challenge in groups is to balance the wisdom of the group while remaining open to newness that can strike like lightening or dance about your shoulder like a butterfly. Horton heard the who, but no one else did.

Mass insanity seems very sane when you are in the midst of it. I, for one, refuse to drink fluoride in my water or use it in my toothpaste. And I am especially perplexed why we would get this fluoride from China... The government authorities and the masses seem like blind Zombies to me. The church
authorities were also blind to any idea of the earth being round also.

It takes faith in one's inner voice and much courage to go against the herd. It takes surrender to listen deeply to all voices, knowing that inspiration is just begging to lite up one's creativity.

