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Old 05-25-2012, 09:53 AM   #26
Diana Frese
Dojo: Aikikai of S.W. Conn. (formerly)
Location: Stamford Connecticut
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 386
Re: Being Committed to Aiki

I haven't posted much recently but I do check in on AikiWeb usually a few times a week. I always enjoy Francis' columns and gain much inspiration from them. This one brings up a question I have had about my own commitment to Aikido in particular and Aiki in general. I managed to sidestep the issue of knee strain (not directly from Aikido, I was not training at the time) by starting a class for "fellow injured people" including one young man in his twenties who simply wanted to train at a slower pace than my colleague's dojo... But then we lost the space at the loft .... It was a good group and good training while it lasted. To me commitment means weighing the commitments we have in daily life and being open to opportunities to train. Sometimes I have thought there is an opportunity to train again, but then a transportation issue comes up. Each time I have to ask myself about my commitments and the ramifications...

For now, while keeping at keeping physically active, I enjoy reading about the training and thoughts of others. Thank you all.

This morning, I read the most recent posts first and have to comment on Mary's post which is indeed inspiring and helpful to me in looking back. When I was teaching, I may have pointed out self defense applications in the regular techniques but I didn't teach self defense per se. My friend Trish, in the New Haven area taught self defense for quite some time. While I admired and still admire her for many reasons, I found that at the YMCA here just teaching the regular aikido kept me busy, and I didn't do the extra research and training that would be necessary to teach self defense. It would have been nice to be able to visit her and participate and thereby learn, but other commitments had already taken over.

The point to this rambling story is that commitment can take many forms! Sometimes following a path, it makes unexpected turns for us, but I like to think it is still a valid path, and somehow connected to Aikido and Aiki still....

I will enjoy re reading Francis' article on commitment and reading all the comments. Thank you all.
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