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Old 06-11-2005, 09:20 PM   #186
Red Beetle
Dojo: Ithaca
Location: Tennessee
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 97
Re: Aikido minus mysticism: a step forward

Szczepan Janczuk wrote:
Very easy task.
If you look at terrorists in Middle East, what is most important thing that allows them suicide attacks with bombs?Only military technique? Of course not! Mysticism? Yes, of course only this factor can push these ppl to all those horrible things
You are stating that mysticism is what motivates terrorism. I am not saying that mysticism cannot motivate a person to do iriminage, or Aikido, but I am saying that mysticism does not add to the technique of Aikido. Mysticism does not make the terrorist's gun's shoot better, or their bombs to be more explosive. Their engineering in bomb development, and gun construction is what makes these weapons good or bad....not mysticism.

The same applies to Aikido. Mysticism does not make one's koshi-nage better. The way they execute the technique of Koshi-nage is what makes it better or worse.

You need to show how Mysticism is going to make the actual technique better in order to sale your snake-bit remedy. Showing that a belief can motivate a person to do this or that does not make your argument. You are off the subject. You need to show how irrational thought helps one's rational technique.

You can practice at merely technical level, but this way you can't apply the entirety of yours abilities and wisdom.

Mysticism is not an ability, and it is not wisdom. Ability and wisdom both denote intellectual propositional content that can be understood, learned, and taught. Mysticism is irrational and inconsistent.

Since Mysticism has nothing to technically add to Aikido, it therefore follows necessarily that you can only practice Aikido at the technical level.

Your statement is false.

Red Beetle

Last edited by Red Beetle : 06-11-2005 at 09:22 PM.
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